Sunday, December 11, 2016

Knitting Podcasts

This will be an ongoing post.

I have recently begun watching knitting podcasts on youtube. Now, anytime that I spend knitting, I am watching one of these in the background. They inspire me to knit even more!

Here are the ones I have watched and really enjoy. The list is small now, but will surely grow!

Grocery Girls

Yarn Hoarder Podcast

Hey Sister


There are so many podcasts out there and so many have amazing reviews, but so far I need to get caught up on these before I move on to some of the others. If anyone has a recommendation, I would love to hear it:)


I write because I have stories in my head that need to come out. They need to take shape and the only way they can is to write them out.

I read because I like to be in another persons world even if only for a few chapters and pages.

I listen to music because it is the greatest relief to know that someone else has felt exactly the way you do at any moment in time.

 I knit because I love the feeling of accomplishment when I make something by hand. I enjoy creating and enjoying the finished product. It makes me proud.

I love animals because they are amazing, they have different rules than people, they have complex societies and interactions with one another that to us may seem simple.

I drink coffee because it tastes good and makes me feel good inside. I enjoy being on a caffeine high.

I like to learn languages and about new cultures because I love traveling and would love to experience more than just a vacation when I do.

I talk a lot because I enjoy interacting with other people. I love to help people sort out their problems and ask for advice. I love to debate people on all sorts of topics because a new perspective just might completely change my world.

Each person is different. The things above are only a few things that I enjoy, I have so many more interests that might be expressed on here.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


It is October and that means that NaNoWriMo will be starting very soon. For those of you that may not know what this means, here is a brief explanation. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. In the Month of November, participants try their best to write 50,000 words. That averages out to about 1,667 words a day. It seems tough, but it is completely possible. There are so many writers a year that complete this feat. And this year, I plan to be one of them. I plan to share my progress every once in a while with all of you guys.

For the people that may be a little worried to take on this challenge or may have not done as well in previous years as they would have hoped, here is a list of the essential items that I have in my novel tool kit.

1) Awesome prep resources 

2) Coffee or Tea in cute mugs, I like to use my Keurig. I love any type of Hazelnut or Caramel Vanilla Coffee

3) A warm blanket or sweater, depending on where you live November can get cold, you don't want to be too cold while writing

4) NaNoWriMo fourms

5) Candles

6) An Outline

7) Black pens and paper

8) A collection of images that inspire my current WIP

9) Snacks, I enjoy Baked Lays, the occasional cookie, and to try making foods that my characters like to eat, if you want new recipes, check out nerdy nummies on YouTube

10) A knitting project when I need to take breaks, not only does it help my mind think up new ideas, it also allows me to make a new scarf

11) Pinterest, there are so many ways to use this for writers, from story and idea boards to following your favorites authors or getting some writing advice

12) I like to listen to Pandora or Spotify to get into the setting of my story a little more fully, for those of you that would prefer background noise, there are sites out there for anything from the ocean to a cafe.

13) A good book for when I need a break

14) NaNoWriMo sprints

My goal for my current novel is to get to 12,000 words, and even though November will get me to only about 50,000 words, that will still be a huge chunk out of my first draft. I really hope others will join me in making this November successful. If I missed any essentials, let me know.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

An Introduction

Hey everyone, I'm Cait and this blog is going to be a place for me to write and share about my passions. They include fashion, sewing, knitting, reading, writing, languages, and gardening. I will write reviews on products, updates on my writing and language learning, and share clothing that I have made. I am in high school so I will also write about finishing that and my future experiences in college. I also travel often and may share some photos and experiences from my trips. Thank you for visiting my blog:)